Easy-Vaccine is a systemmanagement system designed for the monitoring of rural animal vaccination campaigns, it consists of Excel files, Google Sheets and an App that together allow loading, modifying, updating and analyzing all the information related to the monitoring of vaccination campaigns
Easy Vaccine App
Complementary Databases in Google Sheets
Establishments (Google Sheets)
BD Easy-Vaccine (Google Sheets)
Phone WhatsApp - Mail (Google Sheets)
Vaccinators (Google Sheets)
Excel files on PC:
Management DatabaseVaccination
Easy-Vaccine + Easy-PowerBi
Easy Vaccineapp
Entry x Vaccinator with password.
First-hand information to the vaccinator about the establishments to be vaccinated.
Possibility of segmenting the information of the establishments to be shown to the vaccinator (Vaccinator, City, Province, Vaccination State, Establishment Name, etc.)
Possibility of loading different Databases depending on the Internet connection of the Vaccinator (Web Information / Local Information on the device)
Reassignment of establishments to vaccinators.
Geolocation of establishments to be vaccinated.
Communication in Real Time of the completion of the vaccination.
Vaccine Stock Analysis of the Vaccinator (Delivered - Used = Current Stock)
Information on establishments vaccinated and pending vaccination.
Vaccination schedule.
Sending of the virtual vaccination record by Mail or WhatsApp (Differentiating which records were made with connection and which without connection)
Load in GoogleSheets of the virtual vaccination certificate (Only with Connection).
Sent the summary of the vaccination record in csv format by email or WhatsApp for subsequent entry into the Vaccination Management Database.
Geolocation of establishments to be vaccinated and vaccinated.
WhatsApp sent to the establishment vaccinated or to be vaccinated.
Screenshots Easy-Vaccine App
Example use Easy-Vaccine App
Vaccination Management Database
This database will be completed as the vaccinators carry out and communicate the vaccinations carried out and the staff of the Rural Society capture the information from the different means of income and copy it into the DB.
Types of Income
Mail (Report Online or Offline)
WhatsApp (Report Online or Offline)
Information recorded in Google Sheets (Online)
Loading the information into the Vaccination Management Database will allow:
Traceability of the use of vaccines and their efficacy.
sto controlck of vaccines from the organizer of the Vaccination Campaign.
Collect information from establishments and compare it over the years, through descriptive statistics using tools such as Excel and Power BI (Graphics, Heat Maps, % Progress, etc.)
Control and monitoring of collections and collections pending to be made to the establishments.
Control and monitoring of payments made and payments pending to be made to vaccinators.
Assembly of the Cost of vaccination per Animal.
Monitoring of Income and Expenditures for all concepts of the Vaccination Campaign.
Digitization of the Vaccination Record, in such a way that the scanned physical vaccination record can be accessed from the Database to check for discrepancies. 16. Viewing the information sent by the App in the Vaccination Certificate format.
Dynamic Tables for the Segmentation of data of all the vaccination campaigns carried out.
Possibility of Importing through a CSV file the information generated to SENASA (Depends on the predisposition of the organization)
Database with information on establishments and vaccinators.
Generation of records of delivery of vaccines to vaccinators.
Automatic import from GoogleSheets