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Easy-Bus is a system of integrated spreadsheets for the management of a bus transport company, they can be adapted  to any transport sector.

Next,   some of the forms that make it up are detailed:

Management of Purchases: Generation and Monitoring of Purchase Requests, Management of Stock with PP, LO and SS Consumption Vouchers movement of spare parts from stock to units, monitoring of spare parts used by units. Management y Monitoring of Purchase Orders, Reception e Entry to the Stock of Spare Parts, Control of Invoices and Remittances. Monitoring of Price Lists and Item Master.

Menu Ppal.

Modulo de Ingreso


Oc Pendientes

Modulo de Ingreso de Productos

Menu Ppal

Ingreso Sc


Sc Pendientes

Ingreso de MP o Repuestos

Estado SC

Gestión de Stock

Supervision of Service and Generation of Reports (Android Application + Excel): Through an application the supervision of the service by the Inspectors is facilitated, they log in and when uploading to the unit they scan the QR code of the roadmaps, this information referring to the service in question (designated driver, passing times, type of service, etc.) is recorded in the application, then a Check-List is accessed to record compliances and non-compliances of the driver._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ In the event of detecting a serious breach, the application allows you to send a request for a report via email to the Operational Base so that the report to be delivered to the driver can be managed, there are also_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_seated in the application all the information regarding compliance and non-compliance of the driver, then this information is imported by an Excel file where statistics are generated compliance by drivers and different actions are taken to improve compliance with the points evaluated.


Lectura de la información del Servicio y del Conductor desde la Hoja de Ruta con escaneo de codigo QR

Lectura de la información del Servicio y del Conductor desde la Hoja de Ruta con escaneo de codigo QR

Lista de Chequeo configurable

Lista de Chequeo configurable

Envíos de Informes y Registro en BD para análisis

Entry and Exit Control of Personnel (Application Android + Excel):  By means of cards with code QR the entry and exit of personnel is carried out . They are calculated arrivals late, absences, attendance, days worked etc. The data is exported from a Tablet or telephone to the Excel spreadsheet and then the calculations are performed using macros. The application takes a photo after scanning the QR code at the entrance and exit of the personnel and saves it with the Name and Surname of the Worker + Date and time in a hidden folder of the system.



Ingreso y Egreso del Personal

Menú lateral izq.

Menu lateral Der.

Codigo QR

Damage Management (Android Application + Excel): To achieve greater control of damage to the units, through an Android application, the news of the unit is recorded, the QR Code of the unit is scanned and the inspection is carried out. , then the information is exported to an Excel file which, by means of macros, compares yesterday's news with today's and identifies the new damages, recording the time, day, driver, reported damages and damage sector.


Información de la Unidad, y asignación de daños delanteros y traseros.

Asignación Daños

Asignación de daños delanteros

Asignación de daños Lateral Derecho

Asignación de daños Lateral Izquierdo

Asignación de daños Lateral Derecho

Asignación de daños Lateral Izquierdo, envió del informe, borrar informe y cerrar app.

Fluid and Fuel Control (Android Application + Excel): It is vitally important to monitor the fluid levels of the units to detect leaks and carry out the corresponding repairs to prevent the units from being damaged and having to be stopped for repair. avoid incense expenses.

Through an Android application, the QR codes of the units are scanned and the date, time, controlled unit and the amounts of each of the fluids added are recorded, then this information is imported by an Excel that compares fleet statistics to identify which units are having unusual fluid consumption.


Eleccion del Usuario


Elección del Interno (Manual o con QR)

Elección del Interno (Manual o con QR)

Elección de la Linea (Manual o con QR)

Ingreso de Cantidades agregadas.

Control of Waybills:  The waybill is a document of vital importance for any transport company, that is why it is very important to control the receipt of waybills of the services performed by drivers.

The waybills are printed with a QR code that is then scanned and exported to an Excel file, this registers all the leaves received on the day, and compares with the scheduled services on the day, to calculate how many waybills there are and how many there should be, if there is a difference automatically identifies the missing waybill.

Personnel_management_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d: Using 3 combined Excel files you can organize the services to be provided by the transport company by designating the drivers_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58available to each available the services and printing the corresponding waybills, prioritizing by seniority or choice of services and tracking leave, days worked, hours worked, sick days, holidays, special licenses, etc. of each of the drivers of the company.

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